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Neuro Acupuncture and Ancestral Formula Chinese Herbal Medicine
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Abdominal Pain, Women Pain Medicine Treatment, Abdominal Pain Cure, Women Pain Neuro Acupuncture Treatment, Lower Abdominal Pain, Women Pain Herbal Medicine Treatment, Abdominal Stomach Pain, Women Pain Treatment Medical Centre Abdominal Pain (lower) in Women
Acupuncture Cure, Acupuncture Treatment, Acupuncture Alternative Treatment, Acupuncture Alternative Cure, Acupuncture Alternative Medicine, Acupuncture Herbal Herbs Medicine Treatment Cure, Acupuncture Remedies Treatment Cure, Acupuncture Medical Treatment Cure Centre Acupuncture
Asperger's Syndrome Cure, Asperger's Syndrome Alternative Herbal Treatment, Asperger's Syndrome Alternative Acupuncture Cure, Asperger's Syndrome Alternative Medicine, Asperger's Syndrome Herbal Herbs Medicine Treatment Cure, Asperger's Syndrome Remedies Treatment Cure, Asperger's Syndrome Medical Treatment Cure Centre Aspergers Syndrome
Autism Cure, Autism Herbal Treatment, Autism Alternative Treatment, Autism Alternative Acupuncture Cure, Autism Alternative Medicine, Autism Herbal Herbs Medicine Treatment Cure, Autism Remedies Treatment Cure, Autism Medical Treatment Cure Centre Autism and Brain Related
Autism Cure, Autism Herbal Treatment, Autism Alternative Treatment, Autism Alternative Acupuncture Cure, Autism Alternative Medicine, Autism Herbal Herbs Medicine Treatment Cure, Autism Remedies Treatment Cure, Autism Medical Treatment Cure Centre Autism
Brain Cure, Brain Herbal Treatment, Brain Alternative Acupuncture Treatment, Brain Alternative Cure, Brain Alternative Medicine, Brain Herbal Herbs Medicine Treatment Cure, Brain Remedies Treatment Cure, Brain Medical Treatment Cure Centre Brain
Brain Injury Cure, Brain Injury Herbal Treatment, Brain Injury Alternative Acupuncture Treatment, Brain Injury Alternative Cure, Brain Injury Alternative Medicine, Brain Injury Herbal Herbs Medicine Treatment Cure, Brain Injury Remedies Treatment Cure, Brain Injury Medical Treatment Cure Centre Brain Injury
Brain Memory Lost Cure, Loss Memory Herbal Treatment, Brain Memory Lost Alternative Acupuncture Treatment, Brain Memory Lost Alternative Cure, Brain Memory Lost Alternative Medicine, Brain Memory Herbal Herbs Medicine Treatment Cure, Brain Memory Remedies Treatment Cure, Brain Memory Lost Medical Treatment Cure Centre Brain Memory and Forgetfulness
Brain Special Kids Cure, Brain Special Kids Herbal Treatment, Brain Special Kids Alternative Acupuncture Treatment, Brain Special Kids Alternative Cure, Brain Special Kids Alternative Medicine, Brain Special Kids Herbal Herbs Medicine Treatment Cure, Brain Special Kids Remedies Treatment Cure, Brain Special Kids Medical Treatment Cure Centre Brain-Special Kids
Chinese Herbal Medicine Cure, Chinese Herbal Medicine Treatment, Chinese Herbal Medicine Alternative Treatment, Chinese Herbal Medicine Alternative Cure, Chinese Herbal Medicine Alternative Medicine, Chinese Herbal Medicine Herbal Herbs Medicine Treatment Cure, Chinese Herbal Medicine Remedies Treatment Cure, Chinese Herbal Medicine Medical Treatment Cure Centre The Tole's Chinese Herbal Medicine
Chinese Herbal Medicine Cure centre, Chinese Herbal Medicine Treatment centre, Chinese Herbal Medicine Alternative Treatment centre, Chinese Herbal Medicine Alternative Cure centre, Chinese Herbal Medicine centre, Alternative Medicine centre, Chinese Herbal Medicine Herbal Herbs Medicine Treatment Cure centre, Chinese Herbal Medicine Remedies Treatment Cure centre, Chinese Herbal Medicine Medical Treatment Cure Centre Centre
D-Dimer Cure, D-Dimer Herbs Treatment, D-Dimer Alternative Treatment, D-Dimer Alternative Cure, Neuro Acupuncture D-Dimer Treatment Cure, D-Dimer Herbal Herbs Medicine Treatment Cure, D-Dimer Remedies Treatment Cure, D-Dimer Medical Treatment Cure Centre D-Dimer
Herbal Medicine Treatment Cure, Herbal Medicine Alternative Treatment, Herbal Medicine Alternative Cure, Herbal Medicine Alternative Medicine, Herbal Medicine Herbal Herbs Medicine Treatment Cure, Herbal Medicine Remedies Treatment Cure, Herbal Medicine Medical Treatment Cure Centre Herbal Medicine
Herbs Treatment Cure, Herbs Alternative Treatment, Herbs Alternative Cure, Herbs Alternative Medicine, Herbs Medicine Treatment Cure, Herbs Remedies Treatment Cure, Herbs Medical Treatment Cure Centre Herbs
Hyperactive Behavior Cure, Hyperactive Behavior Herbs Treatment Cure, Hyperactive Behavior Alternative Acupuncture Treatment Cure, Hyperactive Behavior Alternative Cure, Hyperactive Behavior Alternative Medicine, Hyperactive Behavior Herbal Herbs Medicine Treatment Cure, Hyperactive Behavior Remedies Treatment Cure, Hyperactive Behavior Medical Treatment Cure Centre Hyperactive Behaviour Special Kids
Impotence Cure, Impotence Herbs Treatment Cure, Impotence Alternative Treatment, Man Impotence Alternative Acupuncture Treatment Cure, Impotence Alternative Medicine, Impotence Herbal Herbs Medicine Treatment Cure, Impotence Remedies Treatment Cure, Impotence Medical Treatment Cure Centre Man's Energy (Power)
Knee Injuries Cure, Knee Injuries herbs Treatment Cure, Knee Injuries Alternative Acupuncture Treatment, Knee Injuries Alternative Cure, Knee Injuries Alternative Medicine, Knee Injuries Herbal Herbs Medicine Treatment Cure, Knee Injuries Remedies Treatment Cure, Knee Injuries Medical Treatment Cure Centre Knee Injuries
KL Cure, KL herbs Treatment Cure, KL Alternative Acupuncture Treatment, KL Alternative Cure, KL Alternative Medicine, KL Herbal Herbs Medicine Treatment Cure, KL Remedies Treatment Cure, KL Medical Treatment Cure Centre KL
Malaysia Cure, Malaysia Herbs Treatment Cure, Malaysia Alternative Treatment, Malaysia Alternative Acupuncture Treatment Cure, Malaysia Alternative Medicine, Malaysia Herbal Herbs Medicine Treatment Cure, Malaysia Remedies Treatment Cure, Malaysia Treatment Cure Centre Malaysia
Women Menopause Cure, Women Menopause Herbal Treatment Cure, Women Menopause Alternative Acupuncture Treatment, Women Menopause Alternative Cure, Women Menopause Alternative Medicine, Women Menopause Herbal Herbs Medicine Treatment Cure, Women Menopause Remedies Treatment Cure, Women Menopause Medical Treatment Cure Centre Menopause (Women)
Menstruation Cure, Heavy Periods Cure, Menstruation Pain Herbal Treatment Cure, Pelvic Inflammatory Disease Alternative Acupuncture Treatment, Menstruation Heavy Periods Alternative Cure, Menstruation Heavy Periods Alternative Medicine, Women Menstruation Heavy Periods Herbal Herbs Medicine Treatment Cure, Menstruation Pain Remedies Treatment Cure, Pelvic Inflammatory Disease Medical Treatment Cure Centre Menstruation (Heavy Periods/Painful)
Muscular Pain Cure, Muscular Pain Herbal Treatment Cure, Muscular Pain Alternative Acupuncture Treatment Cure, Muscular Pain Alternative Cure, Muscular Pain Alternative Medicine, Muscular Pain Herbal Herbs Medicine Treatment Cure, Muscular Pain Remedies Treatment Cure, Muscular Pain Medical Treatment Cure Centre Muscular Pain
Neck Pain Cure, Neck Pain Herbal Treatment Cure, Neck Pain Alternative Treatment, Neck Pain Alternative Cure, Neck Pain Alternative Medicine, Neck Pain Herbal Herbs Medicine Treatment Cure, Neck Pain Remedies Treatment Cure, Neck Pain Medical Treatment Cure Centre Neck Pain
Nerves Cure, Nerves Herbal Treatment Cure, Nerves Alternative Treatment, Nerves Alternative Cure, Nerves Alternative Medicine, Nerves Herbal Herbs Medicine Treatment Cure, Nerves Remedies Treatment Cure, Nerves Medical Treatment Cure Centre Nerves
Nerve Pain Cure, Nerve Pain Herbal Treatment Cure, Nerve Pain Alternative Treatment, Nerve Pain Alternative Cure, Nerve Pain Alternative Medicine, Nerve Pain Herbal Herbs Medicine Treatment Cure, Nerve Pain Remedies Treatment Cure, Nerve Pain Medical Treatment Cure Centre Nerve Pain
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Treatment, Treatment Cure, Alternative Treatment,  Alternative Treatment Cure, Alternative Treatment Medicine, Herbal Herbs Medicine Treatment Cure, Remedies Treatment Cure, Medical Treatment Cure Centre Therapy
Women Beatty Treatment, Women Beatty Herbal Treatment, Women Beatty Alternative Acupuncture Treatment, Women Beatty Alternative Cure, Women Beatty Alternative Medicine, Women Beatty Herbal Herbs Medicine Treatment Cure, Women Beatty Remedies Treatment Cure, Women Beatty Medical Treatment Cure Centre Women Beauty
Women Period Pain Cure, Women Period Pain Herbal Treatment Cure, Women Period Pain Alternative Acupuncture Treatment, Women Period Pain Alternative Cure, Women Period Pain Alternative Medicine, Women Period Pain Herbal Herbs Medicine Treatment Cure, Women Period Pain Remedies Treatment Cure, Women Period Pain Medical Treatment Cure Centre Women Period Pain



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- Neuro Acupuncture and Herbal Medicine
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Acupuncture Treatment and Herbal Medicine Cure
What is Job Stress?

According to Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Dictionary, stress, in general, is “a physical, chemical, or emotional factor that causes bodily or mental tension and may be a factor in disease causation.” One type of stress is job stress. With job stress, the stress or involved are work-related.

Causes of Job Stress

If you can figure out the cause of your job stress, then you can find a treatment. Here are some possible causes:

    • Overwork: working late, taking work home, not taking vacation
    • Impending layoffs
    • Being in the wrong career
    • Conflict with boss or co-workers

If you catch symptoms early, you have a better chance of fixing the problem. So, you don't end up with more chronic and serious problems. Here are what to look out for:

    • Job dissatisfaction
    • Sleep disturbances
    • Short temper
    • Upset stomach
    • Headache
    • Disturbed relationships with family and friends
    • Low morale
    • Teeth grinding
    • Increased use of drugs or alcohol
Long-Term Problems of Stress

If left untreated, job stress can lead to some serious problems. They are:

    • Cardiovascular disease
    • Musculoskeletal disorders
    • Psychological disorders

You'll need to be proactive if you want to treat your job stress. Here are some fixes that address the causes listed above.

    • If overwork is your problem, take a vacation, leave work on time as often as possible, and avoid taking work home.
    • If you're worried about layoffs, all you can do is make sure you're prepared should that happen.
    • If you find that you made the wrong career choice, or your career is no longer fulfilling, it may be time for a change. Make your choices carefully.
    • If you are having conflicts with your boss or co-workers, try to work them out. Although it may be difficult to resolve personality differences, you can try to figure out a way to get along better.
    • If your stress is having a profound effect on your life, don't be afraid to get professional help
Stress of Teenagers

Teenagers, like adults, may experience stress everyday and can benefit from learning stress management skills.

Most teens experience more stress when they perceive a situation as dangerous, difficult, or painful and they do not have the resources to cope.

Some sources of stress for teens might include:

  • school demands and frustrations
  • negative thoughts and feelings about themselves
  • changes in their bodies
  • problems with friends
  • unsafe living environment/neighbourhood
  • separation or divorce of parents
  • chronic illness or severe problems in the family
  • death of a loved one
  • moving to a new community
  • changing schools
  • taking on too many activities or having too high expectations
  • family financial problems

Some teens become overloaded with stress.  When it happens, inadequately managed stress can lead to anxiety, withdrawal, aggression, physical illness, or poor coping skills such as drug and/or alcohol use.

When we perceive a situation as difficult or painful, changes occur in our minds and bodies to prepare us to respond to danger.  This "fight, flight, or freeze" response includes faster heart and breathing rate, increased blood to muscles of arms and legs, cold or clammy hands and feet, upset stomach and/or a sense of dread.

The same mechanism that turns on the stress response can turn it off.  As soon as we decide that a situation is no longer dangerous, changes can occur in our minds and bodies to help us relax and calm down.  This "relaxation response" includes decreased heart and breathing rate and a sense of well being.

Teens who develop a "relaxation response" and other stress management skills feel less helpless and have more choices when responding to stress.

Parents can help their teen in these ways:

  • Monitor if stress is affecting teen's health, behavior, thoughts, or feelings.
  • Listen carefully to teens and watch for overloading.
  • Learn and model stress management skills.
  • Support involvement in sports and other pro-social activities.

Teens can decrease stress with the following behaviors and techniques:

  • Exercise and eat regularly.
  • Avoid excess caffeine intake, which can increase feelings of anxiety and agitation.
  • Don't use illegal drugs, alcohol and tobacco.
  • Learn relaxation exercises (abdominal breathing and muscle relaxation techniques).
  • Develop assertiveness training skills.  For example, state feelings in polite, firm, and not overly aggressive or passive ways ("I feel angry when you yell at me" "Please stop yelling").
  • Rehearse and practice situations, which cause stress.  One example is taking a speech class, if talking in front of a class makes you anxious.
  • Learn practical coping skills.  For example, break a large task into smaller, more attainable tasks.
  • Decrease negative self-talk.  Challenge negative thoughts about yourself with alternative neutral or positive thoughts. "My life will never get better" can be transformed into "I may feel hopeless now, but my life will probably get better if I work at it and get some help."
  • Learn to feel good about doing a competent job rather than demanding perfection from yourself and others.
  • Take a break from stressful situations.  Activities like listening to music, talking to a friend, drawing, writing, or spending time with a pet can reduce stress.
  • Build a network of friends who help you cope in a positive way.

By using these and other techniques, teenagers can begin to manage stress.

If a teen talks about or shows signs of being overly stressed, a consultation with a child and adolescent psychiatrist or qualified mental health professional may be helpful.
Stress During Your Pregnancy

What you need to know:
Pregnancy is a stressful time for many women. You may be feeling happy, sad and scared—all at the same time. It’s okay to feel like you do. Very high levels of stress may contribute to preterm birth or low birthweight in full-term babies, however, so you should try to learn how to cope with it.

What you can do:
Recognize that you do indeed feel stressed. Accepting the fact you are stressed and identifying the situations that cause you stress are the first steps in helping reduce it. You can also help reduce your stress by:

  • Eating regularly and nutritiously and drinking lots of water.
  • Resting when you can—and when your body needs it.
  • Exercising (with your health care provider’s okay).
  • Relaxing by meditating, listening to music or writing in a journal.
  • Resisting any urges to drink alcohol, smoke or take herbal products or drugs (except those prescribed by your health care provider).
  • Staying away from stressful people and stressful situations, when possible.
  • Talking—to your partner, friends, relatives and health care professionals. If you feel overwhelmed, talk with a trained counselor or other mental health professional.
  • Going to all your prenatal care appointments. This will give you the reassurance that everything is okay with your baby or let your health care provider know about a problem while there is still time to do something about it. You’ll feel less stressed because you know you are doing the best for your baby.

For more information, read the March of Dimes fact sheet on stress and pregnancy.


Please feel free to contact or email us for further details at :


Lot 2.01, 2nd Floor,
Medical Specialist Floor,
Menara KH (Menara Promet),
Jalan Sultan Ismail, 50250 Kuala Lumpur.

Tel No : +603-21418370 / +603-21451671
Whatsapp (only): +6012-7688284

Acupuncture Time :
Operating Hours :
Monday : 10AM - 6PM
Tuesday : 1PM - 7PM
Wednesday to Saturday : 10AM - 7PM
Sunday : 12PM - 4PM
*(Malaysia Time)


Alternative Treatment Cure, Neuro Acupuncture Treatment Cure, Herbs Medicine Treatment Cure, Alterntive Medical Centre Remedies

Malaysia Alternative Acupuncture Herbal Medicine Treatment Cure Clinic Centre

Sending of Herbs and Herbal Medicine are Available to all Countries. PROCEDURE:-

Intensive Herbal and sending of Herbal Medicine are Available to all Countries. PROCEDURE:-

1. E-mail to us with all your medical reports ,
2. Then we will advise you on the herbal preparation and or come for the intensive Neuro Acupuncture,
3. After we have your total conditions picture then you can bank in the money and then we will courier the medicine herbs to you.
It will takes about 3 to 5 working days.

Then we can guide you from here with e-mail, you have to update us on your progress.

Please use Online Transfer

Bank name : Ambank (M) Berhad .
Bank account name : The Tole Acupuncture-Herbal Medical Centre Sdn Bhd

* please email to us request for more details.


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Easiest way to reach us, click below!
We can send herbs to your home by:

We accept the following payment options in our centre. For Online Payment, please use Direct Transfer.

The Tole's Opening Ceremony
Our New Acupuncture Centre was officially open by our Health Minister YAB Dato' Lee Kim Sai on 31st January 1993.
Our New Acupuncture Treatment and Herbal Medical Treatment Centre
YAB Dato' Lee Kim Sai and Dato' Leong Hong Tole (D.S.T.M) - [World Known as MasterTole]
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The Star News
The Star newspaper report on our Chinese Master's  acupuncture treatment and herbal medical treatment
The Star Newspaper report on Our Master's Acupuncture and Herbal TCM on 5th February 2011, Saturday.
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The Tole Lower Abdominal Pain Cure with Master Leong's Herbal Treatment and Acupuncture TreatmentThe Tole Officially Opened by our Health Minister.
- Acupuncture Centre

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Contact Us
Neuro Acupuncture and Herbal Medicine


Lot 2.01, 2nd Floor, Medical Specialist Floor, Menara KH (Menara Promet), Jalan Sultan Ismail, 50250 Kuala Lumpur

Tel: +603-21418370

Whatsapp (only): +6012-7688284

Acupuncture Time :
Operating Hours :
Mon : 10AM - 6PM
Tue : 1PM - 7PM
Wed to Sat : 10AM - 7PM
Sun : 12PM - 4PM
*(Malaysia Time)

* E-mail consultation with Master and Assistant.
Ask by e-mail

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The Tole's Testimony
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